When was the last time you laughed so intensely that you completely forgot about everything else? Even for a moment?
Laughing is one of the quickest ways to find out what it feels like to just BE YOU.
Free the chatter of your mind and release your best self so you can start to create more of what matters to you.
So, let’s find that place. What makes you laugh?
…when other people are laughing?
…or physical humor like tripping when you’re feeling so good about yourself? Or walking into glass doors? (I had a friend who did that and it was really was funny;)
…stand up comedians who say the things everyone’s thinking but no one will say out loud? We could make a long list of these, but here’s one that made me laugh recently.
…skipping? Just do it. It’s impossible to do this without laughing.
…the stuff that wasn’t as funny when you first saw it, but now it’s funny?
Laugh more. Create more. Make a life full of what matters most to you.
So, what’s so funny? Share a laugh in the comments below.